About Us
Elearnow provide e-learning courses 24 hours a day 365 days of the year. Our e-learning courses are in first aid, manual handling, fire safety, health and safety, mental health, child protection, infection control etc. Just enrol and start your ELEARN NOW at www.elearnnow.co.uk.
Our Accreditation
All our courses are accredited through SafeCert CPD, which accredited all our courses with verified CPD points.
We are also in the process of putting accredited awards on the system. Coming SOON
What Our Students Have to Say
Really enjoyed the manual handling e-learning course and got the certificate sent to my email as soon as i passed.
Kelvin Brown
From London, UK
Completed the fire safety training for fire wardens. No travel required it was great to jus complete it all online. Certificates are great i will be doing more.
Sarah McKenzie
From Glasgow
I completed the mental health first aid e-learning course in Birmingham without leaving the house. Really enjoyed the interaction and the safecert CPD certificates.
Chris Howard
From Birmingham
Health and Safety course was very detailed and covered everything i needed. I then completed mental health awareness course.
Jack Brownn
From Cardiff